Turbo Wash Bio is the washing machine for bearings - dirty bearings are loaded, agitated and come out spotless. This variation of the original Turbo Wash is filled with Sonic Bio Cleaner - 100% biodegradable, non-toxic, low VOC, plant-based.
• More speed - when clothes are dirty, they go in the laundry - same goes for bearings - a 15 minute clean will get you rolling fast
• No more pizza – money not spent on new bearings can go to pizza
• Less waste - fewer bearings thrown into a landfill - it takes a lot of resources and energy to make bearings and everything else we throw awayCOMPACT BUT POWERFUL
• Washes up to 16 bearings in a single charge
• No need to install bearings on a rack that only contains 8 bearings - 2 loads required
• Just like clothes in a washing machine, agitation of loose bearings promotes cleaning
• Loose bearings will not be damaged...they are hardened steel
• Dirt and grime sinks to the bottom of the jar so the bearings are not contaminated when removedCOMPLETE CLEANING SYSTEM – EARTH + HUMAN FRIENDLY BIO CLEANER INCLUDED
• Low volatile organic compounds (VOCs), biodegradable, non-toxic, non-flammable, safe for international transport
• Evaporates slowly - safe to use, no harmful fumes, prolongs cleaning action, reduces usage
• Contains no petroleum-based ingredientsINNOVATIVE
• Utility patent issued in the United States
• Custom cap stopper prevents leakage during transportation and storageDIRECTIONS
1. REMOVE the bearing guards
2. LOAD bearings into strainer and replace cover
3. Soak for 10 minutes and shake gently
4. UNLOAD bearings, dry completely, lubricate and replace shields
Optional: Scrub with a brush for stubborn dirtHOW LONG DOES ORGANIC CLEANER LAST?
• No need to throw away dirty Bio Cleaner - it works even if it looks dirty
• Use a coffee filter or paper towel to filter and reuse the Bio Cleaner
• If there is not enough Bio Cleaner in the jar, supplement with Sonic® Bio Cleaner in the 8 oz bottleARRANGEMENT
• Although Bio Cleaner is environmentally friendly, do not throw it away with household waste or pour it down the drain
• Follow your city's advice for hazardous waste disposalNOTE 1: SLOW EVAPORATION = OILY RESIDUE
• Since Bio Cleaner evaporates slowly, it is safe to use but will leave an oily residue on the bearings
• Substances with high evaporation rates like gasoline and acetone are more dangerous because they easily form a vapor that could be inhaled or explode
• To remove residue, wipe with a clean, lint-free clothNOTE 2: LOOSE BALLS = LOOSE FIT
• If the bearings come apart during cleaning, don't panic... they can be reassembled - see the YouTube video -
• Indicates too much space between bearing parts due to wear, materials and/or wearing skates that are too bigNOTE 3: PANELS
• Natural plant-based cleaners are strong and effective on grease, but over time they scavenge oxygen, which can cause panels (pot vacuum)
• Panels are caused by a pressure difference between the inside of the jar and the atmosphere - we minimized panels by sourcing compatible containers
• If you have a pot that has panels, rest assured that the contents are perfect and will always make your bearings look flawless
• To attach the panels, simply open the jar so the pressure inside and outside is the sameNOTE 4: CAP CAP
• When bearings are loaded into the Turbo Wash, vigorous shaking can tear the cap plug
• When cleaning bearings, do not use the cap plug. Use only for storage.
• If you prefer to use the cork stopper, shake gently.
• The stopper cap is made of a flexible polymer to prevent leakage during transportation and storage. It was not designed to withstand the impact of bearings. Torn plug cap not covered under warranty.
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